Sunday 18 March 2012

Palm Bay Cumberland Slider, Yellow Belly Slider, and Map Turtles. Great Sales, Discounts, and Best Price Specials for Turtles in Palm Bay

Rainforest Pet Store


2400 West New Haven Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32904

Jo O'Brien - -

Brevard Cumberland Slider, Yellow Belly Slider, and Map Turtles. Great Sales, Discounts, and Best Price Specials for Turtles in Brevard County

There are 270 distinct kinds of turtles living in the world today. I will first explain wild turtles then describe the more compact turtles most generally kept as pets. Some sorts are the Green Sea Turtle which lives in subtropical and tropical waters; the Snapping Turtle and the Alligator Snapping Turtle of North America; the Frequent Musk Turtle of the eastern U.S. and SE Canada; the Chicken Turtle of the SE U.S.; the Mesoamerican River Turtle which lives in Central America's lakes and rivers; the Pig Nosed Turtle of Australia and New Guinea; and the Big-Headed Turtle of SE Asia that actually climbs trees!

To go into a small detail on two of the above: Sea Turtles are preferably adapted to existence in the sea and have flippers in place of feet. They have remarkable eyesight in the water, however not on land. Luckily for them, some varieties of sea turtles only come on land to lay eggs. Sea Turtle species include the Leatherback, the biggest of all turtles. Snapping Turtles are not suggested as pets. They can expand above two ft extended and weigh above 80 pounds, and as their title implies, they have a suggest disposition and a unpleasant bite.

The four breeds of turtles most typically kept as pets are Box Turtles, Mud Turtles, Painted Turtles and Sliders.

Painted Turtles are related to Red-Eared Sliders; they are a semi-aquatic breed commonly found in the southern U. S., especially in the Mississippi River. Painted turtles have beautiful colored markings on the underside of their shells. Because of their colourful markings and their peaceful disposition, the two are typically stored as pets. The Painted Turtle reaches a highest duration of 10 inches; Red-eared Sliders can grow to 12 or a lot more inches in length.

Box turtles have high, domed shells which they can shut completely when they experience threatened. They make great pets and given that they are entirely land animals and prefer to are living in mossy forests, they should be stored in a significant outside pen with the two shady regions and open locations exactly where they can bask in the sun. They normally hibernate in winter by digging down into the soil.

Mud Turtles prefer damp, muddy or sandy habitats, and simply because they hardly ever before increase over five inches in length, they can be kept indoors as well as outdoors. They are omnivores and make superb pets. If you hold them indoors they require a large tank; if you preserve them outside in a pen, present the two a covered location and a muddy area. Like Box Turtles they will hibernate in winter, and burrow down into the mud.

In addition, several folks enjoy maintaining Map Turtles as pets. They are aquatic and dwell in fresh new water. They are so named because of the yellow or cream-colored markings that cover their legs, neck and head resemble road maps. Females expand up to 11 inches and males up to 7 inches; two Map Turtles ought to be housed in a large indoor tank at least 20 gallons in capacity.

You may well also appreciate having Soft-Shelled Turtles as pets. Just be mindful that even though they are shy about people, they are aggressive close to others of their species, which is why you should never ever hold two of them in the same tank.

Brevard Cumberland Slider, Yellow Belly Slider, and Map Turtles. Great Sales, Discounts, and Best Price Specials for Turtles in Brevard County

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